On Monday morning, 23 September 2024, the ORLEN Unipetrol Group will conduct a regular emergency response exercise at its production plant in Litvínov. During the mock drill, traffic on Road I/27 between Litvínov and Most, Road III/2541 from Horní Jiřetín, and Road III/0272 from Komořany will be shortly restricted in collaboration with the Police of the Czech Republic. The exercise will not impact the surrounding environment or limit the site’s production. Still, acoustic and visual effects accompanying the drill can be noted around the premises.
“We conduct emergency drills at all production plants to verify the practical preparedness of rescue teams and our employees and the up-to-datedness of the operating and safety documentation. This year’s scenario covers a fire on an oil tank’s floating roof. We want to apologise for any inconvenience connected with the short-term traffic restrictions,” says Zbigniew Pawłucki, Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of the ORLEN Unipetrol Group.
The ORLEN Unipetrol Group is the only domestic oil processing company and a part of the state’s critical infrastructure. Both refineries of the Group – in Záluží near Litvínov and Kralupy nad Vltavou – regularly organise tactical mock drills each year.
The practical exercise usually focuses on specific emergencies. The drill verifies the collaboration of individual units during the emergency and the technical preparedness of the equipment used in the real-life response. The drill also verifies the system of communication with external entities and rescue units.

The ORLEN Unipetrol Group is the largest refining and petrochemical company in the Czech Republic. It focuses on crude oil processing and the production, distribution and sale of vehicle fuels and petrochemical products – particularly plastics and fertilisers. It belongs among the key players on the Czech and Central European markets in all these areas. The ORLEN Unipetrol Group encompasses refineries and production plants in Litvínov and Kralupy nad Vltavou, Paramo in Pardubice, Spolana in Neratovice, REMAQ in Otrokovice, and two research centres in Litvínov and Brno. ORLEN Unipetrol also includes the ORLEN network of petrol stations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. ORLEN Unipetrol is one of the largest companies in the Czech Republic in terms of turnover. It employs over 6,000 people. ORLEN Unipetrol is also a socially responsible company, particularly in the areas of supporting sustainable development, education, local communities and the environment. Its quality employee care is attested to by the prestigious Top Employer certificate which the Group received in 2023 and 2024 and by a host of national accolades. In 2005, ORLEN Unipetrol became part of the ORLEN Group, the largest energy company in Central Europe.