This year, ORLEN Unipetrol Group employees contributed a record-high sum of CZK 436,968 to the charitable collection organised by the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation. The Foundation matched this sum, thus distributing CZK 873,936 among eight charities located near the ORLEN Unipetrol Group plants. The ORLEN Unipetrol Group has held a charity collection among employees called Fulfilled Wishes for 14 years. During that time, employees raised almost three million crowns among themselves, and the company therefore distributed nearly six million crowns among non-profit organizations.
“This year, we will distribute this record-high sum among eight organisations. This generous support from our employees will go to buying therapeutic aids for people with autism, organising motion activities for people with disabilities, activisation activities for senior citizens and supporting a club for children and youth. Our employees could also, for the first time, help animal shelters where animals get expert veterinary care thanks to their support. I want to thank all employees contributing with their donations to improving the lives of others,” says Zbigniew Pawłucki, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation.
The charity collection took place between December 2024 and January 2025. Employees could join it through a well-arranged electronic and paper form and could choose the organisation to receive their contribution.
Where will the funds raised in the collection go?
- AniDef, Žim shelter – expert veterinary care for all animals in care.
- Good Shepherd’s Hospice, Čerčany – purchasing infusion pumps that are indispensable in caring for those receiving intravenous nutrition and suffering from continuous pain.
- Vrbová stáj association, Přelouč – renovation and construction of shelters for horses and dogs, and a feed storehouse.
- Rybka Neratovice – arranging various events for the clients of the home for people with disabilities.
- Charita Kralupy nad Vltavou – purchasing equipment and supporting the development of the newly built day centre for senior citizens and adults.
- Mosťáč, Most – completing the furnishing of a therapeutic room and buying therapeutic aids, employee learning courses, and paying the costs associated with diagnosing autism.
- Centrum Kociánka, Brno – buying a battery-driven three-wheeler with a body. It will help users with disabilities who care for the animal stock and maintain the surrounding environment at the animotherapy building – this treatment uses patient contact with domestic animals.
- Handicap Zlín – supporting the club for children and youth that organises winter and summer camps for children, excursion tours, leisure activities and stays with hippotherapy – a treatment method using horse riding to support physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
The ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation organises many other charitable activities in various fields. It has supported education at all levels, educational projects, and local communities near the production sites of the ORLEN Unipetrol Group. The Foundation also contributes to environmental projects, including fish-stocking activities in the rivers Bílina and Elbe, and supporting the nesting of peregrine falcons. Last year, the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation started supporting the treatment of peregrine falcons and eagles cared for at the rescue stations of the Czech Union of Nature Conservation.
About the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation
The ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation launched its activities in 2017. Its primary mission is to support education and popularise science, primarily natural sciences and technical disciplines, as well as corporate social responsibility, emphasising local communities and the environment. The Foundation has long been engaged in supporting schools, teachers, and students with grant programmes. The educational project, ‚Plastík a jeho kouzelný kufřík‘, provides schoolchildren from the first to the fifth grade with an excursion into the world of chemistry through entertaining experiments. Educational support and the associated Foundation’s activities gave rise to many educational materials and outputs in the form of tutorials available at Beginning in 2024, the Foundation is also committed to corporate social responsibility related to the environment, support of local communities, and volunteering. Such activities include championing volunteer and community projects, fundraising, fish releases into rivers, nesting of endangered peregrine falcons, and beekeeping. The Foundation cooperates with many non-profit organisations on a long-term basis but also reacts to current events in society and emergencies. More information about the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation’s mission and other activities is available at
Contact details:
Lucie Pražáková, director of the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation
Telephone: +420 736 506 939