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 Important notice - this page contains information and supporting materials for General Meeting to be held on 28 August 2018 and information and supporting materials for General Meeting held on 28 June 2018.

Information and supporting materials for General Meeting held on 28 June 2018 can be found at the bottom of this page.

General Meeting - 28 August 2018
Ordinary General Meeting of UNIPETROL, a.s. will be held on 28 August at 9.00 at Konferenční centrum CITY, Praha 4 – Nusle, Na Strži 1702/65, PSČ 140 00
Documents available prior the Ordinary General Meeting
1. Opening of the General Meeting
2. Approaval of rules and prociedures of the General Meeting
3. Election of persons into working bodies of the General Meeting
4. Approval of squeeze-out of participation securities
5. Closing of the General Meeting
Other documents

 General Meeting - 28 June 2018

Ordinary General Meeting of UNIPETROL, a.s.s will be held on 28 June 2018 at 11.00 at Konferenční centrum CITY, Praha 4 – Nusle, Na Strži 1702/65, PSČ 140 00 

Documents available prior the Ordinary General Meeting:


1. Ordinary General Meeting invitation
2. Total number of shares and votes
3. Power of attorney – individual
4. Power of attorney – company/legal entity
5. Attendance of Shareholder at General Meeting

1. Opening of the General Meeting

2. Approval of rules of procedure of the General Meeting
6. Rules of procedures

3. Election of persons into working bodies of the General Meeting
7. Election of persons into working bodies of the General Meeting

4. Report of the Company’s Board of Directors on Business Activities of the Company and State of Its Property for the year
of 2017, conclusions of the Report on Relations between Controlled Party and Controlling Party and Parties Controlled
by Same Controlling Party (“Related Parties Report”) for the year 2017 and Explanatory Report of the Company’s
Board of Directors prepared pursuant to Section 118(9) of Capital Market Business Act

8. Management report
9. Explanatory report

5. Report on the results of activities of the Supervisory Board in the year 2017, position of the Supervisory Board regarding
the ordinary separate financial statements as of 31 December 2017, the ordinary consolidated financial statements as of
31 December 2017 and the proposal of the Company’s Board of Directors on covering the loss for 2017 and position of
the Supervisory Board regarding review of the Related Parties Report for the year of 2017

10. Report of the Supervisory Board
11. Position of the Supervisory Board

6. Report of the Audit Committee on results of its activities for the year of 2017
12. Report of the Audit Committee

7. Approval of the ordinary separate financial statements as of 31 December 2017
13. Separate financial statements
14. Auditor's report

8. Approval of the ordinary consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2017
15. Consolidated financial statements
16. Auditor's report
17. Report on relations

9. Decision on covering the Company loss for 2017
18. Decision on covering the Company loss for 2017

10. Recall and election of members of the Supervisory Board of UNIPETROL, a.s.
19. Recall and election of members of the Supervisory Board

11. Disapproval of competitive activities pursuant to Section 452 of the Act on Business Corporations
20. Disapproval of competitive activities

12. Recall and election of members of the Audit Committee of UNIPETROL, a.s.
21.Recall and election of members of the Audit Committee

13. Closing of the General Meeting


 Other documents

Explanation to shareholder's request for explanation raised by Miroslav Popelík
Announcement on number of votes cast during voting at AGM
Transcript from the Ordinary General Meeting held on 28 June 2018 (Czech version)




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